On Thursday, I was talking with my friend Vickie. She was struggling to remember the name of the bird pictured above. She said she always has trouble remembering this name, and she began to describe the bird.
“MAGPIE!” I blurted out. “I always have trouble remembering that name, too! It’s on my list called ‘Words I can never remember.’”
That was the first weird thing: magpie eludes both Vickie and me.
Then tonight, my husband and I were struggling to remember the word that describes large-spotted animals like paint horses and our dog Freddy, shown here. I had to lean on ChatGPT to remind me. The word is piebald.
That’s the second weird thing: these two words that refuse to stay between my ears are essentially siblings.
It’s my hope that writing this blog will sear both words into my memory. But for now, they remain on the list, one directly beneath the other.